REad Mauricio’s New BOOK ON ADDRESSING TOxicity
For the Toxic People in your life (work, home) and those related toxic experiences, this book was written to skill you up, empower you to deal with these toxic situations, toxic moments in your life. Enough being on the sidelines - go from bystander to upstander. No longer will you regret later - "oh I should have said something or done something." Also a great gift - give this book (anonymously if you have to) to that bully, narcissist, difficult person in your life.
As the author, I bring all of my experiences over my 30 year career as a Management Consultant, Workplace Investigator, Executive Coach, Trainer and Expert Witness specializing in bias, prejudice and hate. All too often, I was hired to intervene where parties were not engaging each other and I was hired to come in and address the toxic conflict behavior pattern.
Learn how to stand up for yourself - especially when others are present and say nothing to support you.
“It’s well written and edited. The stories are heartfelt and authentic. The tools and recommendations are to the point, clear and sensible. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”
At Diversity Training Group, we’re a team of nationally recognized specialists in the field of diversity training. We understand there’s no substitute for live training and coaching. Whether it’s online or in-person, it’s the most cost-effective way to address your organization’s unique challenges and goals. Here are a few of our areas of expertise:
Diversity and Inclusion
Conscious/Unconscious Bias
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Language translation services
Tackling Toxicity – Civility Training
Respectful workplace
Conflict resolution
Cultural diversity
Micro-aggressions / Micro-inequities
Ombudsman & RETENTION Services
Employee Trust, Engagement & Higher Performance
Emotional Intelligence & Stress Reduction
Psychological Safety & Trust
Investigations, Audits
Interviews (360) in support of Executive Coaching
We offer training and materials in over 50 languages!
Our Expertise.
Imagine hosting a training session and afterwards your employees tell you the training was “the highlight of their workweek.” They ask for copies of course materials and suggest you “roll out the training companywide.” These are real results from Diversity Training Group sessions. Our expertise is your advantage.
states visited to lead trainings
years in business
brands &
organizations served
Here are some of the charitable organizations we proudly support.